Our Purpose


The mission of our school is to prepare and train students for a life of service as dedicated Christian leaders.


All curriculums are structured toward preparation in the varies areas of Christian ministries with the following objectives:

1. To help the student come to a theological dedication to Jesus Christ, exhort in sound doctrine, and have a clear sense of command.

2. To lead the student into a thorough knowledge of the Bible, the Christian faith, himself, fellowman, and the world around them.

3. To help the student develop research and critical thinking skills regarding the integration of biblical truth with human knowledge, learning and experience, and in the development of a Christian worldview.

4. To guide the student toward a recognition and an appreciation of Biblical values and responsibilities as God-given and perlative.

5. To help the student develop into a well-rounded Christian person mentally, physically, and socially (Luke 2:52)

6. To provide programs of training in the skills necessary for the competent and effective communication of Biblical truth, in both oral and written form, necessary for the various fields of church-related vocations, and for lay services in the church, all in relation to the fulfillment of the Great Commission         (Matthew 28:18-20)

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